Friday, January 25, 2008

Since when does 10 stories constitute a skyscraper?

I grew up in Pleasant Grove, Utah and am proud of it. I love that town and wouldn't change my childhood for anything. I love the Strawberry Days Rodeo, the Purple Turtle, and F-dudes. So I try to keep up whenever I can with the haps in the hometown. Every once in a while, I see something that makes me laugh. According to the Daily Herald, citizens are in an uproar over new buildings being built in the downtown area. The paper makes it sound like there was an angry mob storming the building commission meeting. Is this really the one thing that is driving you to action in the community? If only the rest of the US had just these problems to deal with.

Mostly what caught my attention was that the term "skyscraper" is being thrown out to describe these 5 story (and maybe even 10-story) buildings. Really? As I write this I am sitting on the 13th floor of a 40 story building, so I'll admit that being in Chicago gives me a different view of what "skyscraper" means than my fellow Grovians. No matter how you look at it the last time anybody considered a 5 or even a 10 story building a skyscraper was in the 1800's. The Daily Herald and/or the disgruntled citizens need to tone down the description, or at least visit a place with tall buildings for some perspective.

I also find it hilarious that anybody is worried about their view being blocked by these "monster" buildings. Maybe if you lived in the apartment complex west of main street, you would not be able to see 100% of those majestic mountains, but I don't thing that would even cut off their view. I'm just not buying the view being ruined. There is a lot of space there and a 360 degrees of view. A few building will not ruin your life. If anything, it will probably add to your property value.

So maybe the grumpy PG citizens should just be proud that they have city officials willing to look forward rather than maintain the status quo. As a native PGer, I appreciate the vision of progress.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Ah, Utah...gotta love it.