Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why do I like what America doesn't?

We have found a new TV series that I like quite a bit. That's the good news. Of course it was cancelled a couple of years ago by FOX. I can add it to my list of shows FOX has screwed up for me (Arrested Development and Firefly come immediately to mind). So what is this show? Wonderfalls. Yeah, I hadn't heard of it either, but KT got it on the down-low that it was good. It's been sitting there on our Netflix queue for quite a while because I kept thinking - what is this? We didn't know what to expect at all and have been pleasantly surprised by it. Check it out - we've only watched the first disc, but are looking forward to the rest of the 13 total episodes.

Back to my real question though: what is it about my taste in TV that runs contrary to what everyone else (the collective "they") likes? I guess a good indication would be that I have no interest whatsoever in American Idol or Survivor. Not that reality TV is out for me, I do like Project Runway and Rob & Big. I don't watch Grey's Boringness or Really Desperate Housewives - because they don't interest me. The problem is that there are several good series that have been cancelled before they should have been. At least I will always have The Office, right? Right? I know it could be upsetting to some, but I never liked Seinfeld. To me, it was too easy and too boring. You can keep liking it, I just like some intelligence with my TV, not just idiots doing stupid stuff (According to Jim or Raymond anyone? - pretty much anything that has ever run on TGIF). I guess I'll have to keep pondering what is going on with my TV taste. In the mean time, at least I have 9 more episodes to keep me company.


Naomi said...

I'm just glad that NBC decided to renew Friday Night Lights.

I would have been angry. Very, very angry.

Kris Tina said...

Let's face it - sometimes you like weird things . . . but then again "Wonderfalls" was my choice so I guess I like weird things too.

But what is WORSE is when you choose to not like popular things . . . simply because they are popular. I think we both know what I am talking about.

Greg said...

I have no idea what you are talking about. I do know that I don't like to be led down the blind path of Oprah worship, if that's what you are referring to. Also, I have reasons for not liking Seinfeld. And really, I have not felt like I have missed out at all for not reading Harry Potter. I read the first two. Yes, they are good books, but there are so many others taht are before those on my priority list.

jaacen said...

(just catching up on some old NotRoss posts...)

Wonderfalls is awesome! If you dug it you might want to check out Pushing Daisies (returning for a second season this fall). It was created by (at least one of) the same guy(s), Bryan Fuller. If you dig Pushing Daisies, you might like Dead Like Me (same guy). And if you follow his career to it's origin, you will find that he got his first TV writing job because of the open script submission policy of the greatest Trek series to date Deep Space Nine ... which employed the other TV great Ron Moore (re)creator of the show you'd better be watching Battlestar Galactica (I love being a geek)